Artist and Poet

Monthly Archives: February 2014

Souvenir (Magic)

Wayne Gagnon - Souvenir Poem - Magic, song, guitar
NOTE: This one is for Rick Murnane.

Souvenir (Lunch)

Wayne Gagnon -Souvenir poem - Lunch

Yes, please

Wayne Gagnon - Painting - Yes, please
“Yes, please”
12×16 inches, Acrylic on Canvas
©2014 Wayne Gagnon

This painting was created specifically for the raffle at the “Not for the Meek Comedy Show” to benefit Amy Meek’s battle against breast cancer. Amy’s family and friends are uniting to raise money to help her battle against breast cancer.

Wayne Gagnon - Painting - Yes, Please

For more information about the show and Amy’s progress, visit her site at www.amymeekcancerbenefit.com.

Wayne Gagnon - Sketch - Yes, please study
“Yes, please (Study)”
4.5×2.5 inches (approx), Bic 4-Color Ballpoint pens (Fashion colors & classic), color pencil
©2014 Wayne Gagnon

Donald Fagen

Wayne Gagnon - Painting - Donald Fagen, Steely Dan
“Donald Fagen”
16×20 inches, Acrylic on canvas
©2012 Wayne Gagnon

Souvenir (Paths)

Wayne Gagnon - Souvenir Poem - Paths, snow, snowshoeing

Souvenir (Rogue)

Wayne Gagnon - Souvenir Poem - Rogue

Souvenir (Rendezvous)

Wayne Gagnon - Souvenir  Poem - Rendezvous, Valentine


Two artists (Wayne Gagnon and Ken Molnar) went to a pub. They ate and they sipped ale. Wayne placed his tattered journal/sketchpad on the table along with two Bic 4-Color Ballpoint Pens. Ken and Wayne talked of life and self (and such) as they passed the sketchpad back and forth.  Art and poetry are good.  Life is good.

“Impasse Poem”
by Ken Molnar

Two not-quite-sages
Scribbled on pages
And talked of the ages
All night

They ate lots of fries
Put truth to their lies
Had a couple good cries

They drove in a car
Though really not far
Were they done with this yarn?
Not quite.

Ken has a map
He might totally scrap
Or keep on his lap
As he drives.

As much as we joked
Wayne was prodded and poked
But Ken is stoked
Wayne saw a Light.

It’s time now to go
Outside it is cold
Inside, much less so

We’ve gone as far as we can go.

(for now)

Good night!

Wayne Gagnon & Ken Molnar - Pub Sketch

4×5 inches (approx)
Bic 4-Color Ballpoint Pen in sketchbook
©2014 Wayne Gagnon/Ken Molnar

(more on Ken Molnar’s art…)