Artist and Poet

Monthly Archives: September 2012

Saturday Morning

Wayne Gagnon - Saturday Morning Painting
Saturday Morning
16×20 inch
Acrylic on canvas
©2012 Wayne A. Gagnon

This painting was commissioned by my good friend, Donald, for an art auction as part of the Gutter Boys Third Annual Bowl-a-Thon to benefit AIDS CARE/Hampshire County.

Gutter Boys Third Annual Bowl-a-Thon
Saturday, October 20, 2012, 1:00pm until 4:00pm
Spare Time Northampton and City Sports Grille
525 Pleasant Street, Northampton, MA

Three fun hours of bowling at your leisure or faster for more games. There are plenty of baskets to win in separate raffle drawings as well as a silent art auction. Don’t miss this opportunity to help many of your friends, family and neighbors in Hampshire County living with AIDS.

The first two bowl-a-thons raised over $700 and $1,100. The goal for this year is to raise $1,500.

For more information and updates, check out the Facebook Event.

Souvenir (Sun)

Wayne Gagnon - Souvenir Poem - Sun

Note from Wayne: Good luck finding your sun, Kevin N.

Souvenir (smile)

Wayne Gagnon - Souvenir Poem - Smile Dolphin

Souvenir (Robot)

Wayne Gagnon - Souvenir - Robot poem

Souvenir (Trough)

Wayne Gagnon - Souvenir - Pig Trough Poem

Souvenir (Festivity)

Wayne Gagnon - Souvenir - Festivity poem

Souvenir (Vigil)

Wayne Gagnon - Souvenir - Vigil poem

Souvenir (Trumpet)

Wayne Gagnon - Souvenir - Trumpet

Souvenir (Either Way)

Wayne Gagnon - Souvenir - Coffee Tea Pee poem

Souvenir (Wacky)

Wayne Gagnon - Souvenir - Wacky. poem

Inspired by Larry and Forest as well as their music and baked potatoes.

Souvenir (Newton, Not Much)

Wayne Gagnon - Souvenir - Not Much poem

Wayne Gagnon - Souvenir - Newton poem

Sketching in P-Town 2012

Wayne Gagnon - Sketching in P-Town 2012

Sketching on a sunny August day in Provincetown, MA. This, my friends, is living the dream.

Souvenir (bike-bread, dance)

Wayne Gagnon - Souvenir - Bike N Bread poem

Note from Wayne: While typing poems (using my Smith Corona Galaxie Twelve) at the 2012 Granby Dinosaur Festival, two lovely ladies influenced these two poems.

Another note from Wayne: Lately, I’ve been using my Hermes 3000 Typewriter for “Souvenir.”  It’s been going quite well.

Souvenir (Soup & Ship)

Wayne Gagnon - Souvenir - Soup

Wayne Gagnon - Souvenir - Ship

Souvenir (pony zags)

Wayne Gagnon - Souvenir